Concordia - Butoh in the museum

A multidisciplinary group of artists created butoh performances as an accompaniment to the Chiharu Shiota and Daniel Buren exhibitions at EMMA - Espoo Museum of Modern Art. The performance took it’s title from the Latin word Concordia, which references agreement, harmony and understanding. The performances respect and highlight the unity between the performing bodies, the artworks, the space, the music and the viewers.

There is no set way to view the performance. You may enjoy it briefly or stay with it for a longer period of time. The presence of performers in the gallery suggests new perspectives on the works on display and their moods.

The team behind the performances comprises multidisciplinary visual and performance artist Aino Johansson; butoh artist, dancer and teacher Ken Mai who also choreographed the piece; performance and sound artist Tuuli Malla; actress and butoh dancer Katia Skylar; and cellist Laura Martin.

The working group is open to collaborations with other museums - to open up and interpret different exhibitions and art collections through movement and butoh dance!

Photos by Maria Bayat and Ilkka Roitto