something about walking

a series of workshops devoted to different approaches to walking


This series of workshops is devoted to different approaches to walking. The baseline of the content will be constructed around two cores: the butoh dance and the Tadashi Suzuki theatre method. It is not about teaching butoh dance or Suzuki method – but rather using some elements from both systems which are very different. Butoh is more inward-oriented, meditative and imaginary with a very abstract form, while Suzuki is more “strict” with a clear, even warrior-like feeling and structure, more physically demanding. At the workshops, we will experiment together if it is possible to merge them into one space. All the classes will be slightly different in content but connected by spirit. Some elements from other methodologies and systems might also pop up in the process. Participants with any background and experience will find something to tap into.

liikumisSesoon - Tantsuruum/ Eesti Tantsuagentuur
Hobujaama 12, Tallinn, Estonia

Tuesdays 19.30-21.00
Thursdays 9.00-10.30

liikumisSESOON is a format for dance- and movement practices that offer regular training opportunities and support a dialogue between professionals and enthusiasts within the field. First and foremost it is a chance to come together and enjoy the dance. liikumisSESOON takes place in tantsuRUUM and all dance lovers are welcome to join on a regular or a drop-in basis.

More info and registration for the workshops >>